Cost of living in São Paulo (Brazil) is 76% cheaper than in New York City (United States)

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WARNING!  This comparison is based on only a few data points. At this point it is only a guess. It is based on 2,639 prices entered by 367 different people.

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TOTAL - 76%
warning WARNING!  This comparison is based on only a few data points. At this point it is only a guess. It is based on 2,639 prices entered by 367 different people.
These prices were last updated on January 13, 2025. Exchange rate: 0.16561 USD / BRL
For example, to keep the same standard of living that would require $16,000 in New York City you would need to make just about $3,782 (R$ 22,838) in São Paulo.

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Prices recently added

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  • Combo meal in fast food restaurant (big mac meal or similar) in Las Vegas, Nevada costs $11 (about 7 hours ago)
  • Basic lunchtime menu (including a drink) in the business district in Charleston, South Carolina costs $12 (about 8 hours ago)
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