Cost of living in Panama City (Panama) is 75% cheaper than in Mashhad (Iran)

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WARNING!  This comparison is based on only a few data points. At this point it is only a guess. It is based on 276 prices entered by 53 different people.
WARNING! WARNING! Mashhad has artificial and unrealistic official exchange rates. You can also get this comparison using the parallel street rate in Mashhad.

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TOTAL - 75%
warning WARNING!  This comparison is based on only a few data points. At this point it is only a guess. It is based on 276 prices entered by 53 different people.
These prices were last updated on October 10, 2024. Exchange rate: 42060.043 IRR / PAB *
For example, to keep the same standard of living that would require ﷼‎ 1,500,000,000 in Mashhad you would need to make just about ﷼‎ 372,481,974 (8,856 B/.) in Panama City.

Do you live in Mashhad? We need your help!

What is the price of

Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 150 CV (or equivalent), with no extras, new

in Mashhad?


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