Cost of living in Glasgow (United Kingdom) is 37% more expensive than in Malaga (Spain)

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WARNING!  This comparison is based on only a few data points. At this point it is only a guess. It is based on 647 prices entered by 58 different people.

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TOTAL + 37%
warning WARNING!  This comparison is based on only a few data points. At this point it is only a guess. It is based on 647 prices entered by 58 different people.
These prices were last updated on October 05, 2024. Exchange rate: 1.201 EUR / GBP
For example, you would need at least €5,882 (£4,897) in Glasgow to maintain the same standard of living that you can have with €4,300 in Malaga.

Do you live in Malaga? We need your help!

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Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 150 CV (or equivalent), with no extras, new

in Malaga?

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