Cost of living in Detroit, Michigan (United States) is 91% more expensive than in Campinas (Brazil)

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This comparison has some inconsistent or sparse data. It already provides a reliable comparison but it is not bullet-proof. It is based on 554 prices entered by 51 different people.

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TOTAL + 91%
warning This comparison has some inconsistent or sparse data. It already provides a reliable comparison but it is not bullet-proof. It is based on 554 prices entered by 51 different people.
These prices were last updated on October 13, 2024. Exchange rate: 5.611 BRL / USD
For example, you would need at least R$ 26,671 ($4,753) in Detroit, Michigan to maintain the same standard of living that you can have with R$ 14,000 in Campinas.

Do you live in Campinas? We need your help!

What is the price of

Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 150 CV (or equivalent), with no extras, new

in Campinas?


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