Cost of living in Jönköping (Sweden) is 9% cheaper than in Aalborg (Denmark)

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This comparison is lacking data. It provides a decent comparison, but it is not yet reliable. It is based on 11 prices entered by less than 5 different people.

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TOTAL - 9%
warning This comparison is lacking data. It provides a decent comparison, but it is not yet reliable. It is based on 11 prices entered by less than 5 different people.
These prices were last updated on January 16, 2025. Exchange rate: 0.648 DKK / SEK
For example, to keep the same standard of living that would require kr31,000 in Aalborg you would need to make just about kr28,110 (43,350 kr) in Jönköping.

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Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI 150 CV (or equivalent), with no extras, new

in Aalborg?


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