20 most sought-after cities to relocate
Posted By on 23/09/2012
At Expatistan, we can’t actually know where our users are moving, and
we can’t actually read minds, but we can gain a little insight into
what our users are thinking about by looking at how they use the site.
For example, we reckon we can tell the cities that all of you most want
to relocate to by looking at what you’re searching on the site.
Specifically, we’ve looked at which cities are used as comparisons against users’ home cities most often. For example, if you live in Frankfurt and compare Seoul’s cost of living to Frankfurt’s, Seoul is the comparison city—and we’re guessing you may be a little bit interested in moving there. So we’ve looked at all comparison cities over the last six months, and here are the cities you, collectively, are most interested in:
1. London
2. New York City
3. Paris
4. Singapore
5. Sydney
6. Toronto
7. Berlin
8. Buenos Aires
9. Tokyo
10. Madrid
11. San Francisco
12. Los Angeles
13. Dubai
14. Melbourne
15. São Paulo
16. Vancouver
17. Moscow
18. Zurich
19. Hong Kong
20. Barcelona
London is far and away the most sought after comparison city. It has 36 percent more searches than New York City—as well as twice as many as Paris and four times as many as Barcelona. After the top few cities, however, the number of searches is more even. For example, the 36 percent difference between London (No. 1 on this list) and New York City (No. 2) is the same difference as between Berlin (No. 7) and Barcelona (No. 20). Does anyone not want to move to London?
Specifically, we’ve looked at which cities are used as comparisons against users’ home cities most often. For example, if you live in Frankfurt and compare Seoul’s cost of living to Frankfurt’s, Seoul is the comparison city—and we’re guessing you may be a little bit interested in moving there. So we’ve looked at all comparison cities over the last six months, and here are the cities you, collectively, are most interested in:
1. London
2. New York City
3. Paris
4. Singapore
5. Sydney
6. Toronto
7. Berlin
8. Buenos Aires
9. Tokyo
10. Madrid
11. San Francisco
12. Los Angeles
13. Dubai
14. Melbourne
15. São Paulo
16. Vancouver
17. Moscow
18. Zurich
19. Hong Kong
20. Barcelona
London is far and away the most sought after comparison city. It has 36 percent more searches than New York City—as well as twice as many as Paris and four times as many as Barcelona. After the top few cities, however, the number of searches is more even. For example, the 36 percent difference between London (No. 1 on this list) and New York City (No. 2) is the same difference as between Berlin (No. 7) and Barcelona (No. 20). Does anyone not want to move to London?