Cost of life index for expats, Jan 2011

Posted By on 01/01/2011

Highlights about Expatistan

  • Launched in January 2010
  • Collaborative database of prices (crowdsourced, like Wikipedia). The website users enter the prices for their own cities. Therefore, not all of the 900+ cities contained in the database have data yet.
  • Uses Prague as anchor value (Prague = 100)
  • 65,000 prices entered in 429 different cities by 17,000 users coming from 110 different countries.
  • Compiles prices for 33 various products divided into 6 categories (Food, Housing, Clothes, Transportation, Health, and Entertainment).
  • The index shows only the cities that have enough data to be reliable. All cities are accesible in the application, though.
  • More information about expatistan:

Highlights of the Jan 2011 Cost of Life Index

  • As of January 2011,'s cost of living index ranks Tokyo, Japan as the number one most expensive city in the world.
  • Following behind Tokyo are Zurich, Oslo, Sydney and Perth. Australia also claims a third city in the top ten, with Melbourne at #6, followed by London, Singapore, New York City and Washington D.C. But Brisbane in Australia, though ranked 11th most expensive city, actually shares the same price index, 189, as Washington D.C.
  • The top 20 most expensive cities are dominated by Europe with 8 cities, Australia with 4 cities, while North America claims 3 cities, Asia has 3 with Tokyo, Singapore and Hong Kong, placing South America last with 2 cities in Brazil.
  • The world's cheapest city for expats, out of the 117 cities currently listed in the index is Ahmedabad, India, with a price index of 67.
  • Asia contains the biggest disparity, with the world's most expensive city, Tokyo and also the cheapest city, Ahmedabad, India.
  • South America's two most expensive cities rank in the top 20, and are both located in Brazil: Brasilia at #18 and Sao Paulo at #20. Brazil continues to represent South American again on the index with Rio de Janeiro at #43 and Curitiba at #66. However, Uruguay's capital, Montevideo shows up at #92, and Chile's capital city of Santiago follows right behind at #93.
  • Dubai, the UAE's first entry comes in at #51, while Africa's first two entries, Johannesburg and Pretoria, come in at #74 and #75, respectively.
  • An interesting commonality of the top 10 most expensive cities: all are located adjacent to one or more bodies of water.
  • In fact, the 8 US cities listed in the top 50 are also all waterfront cities.

Top 5 cost of living ranking cities worldwide

  1. Tokyo (Japan)
  2. Geneva (Switzerland)
  3. Oslo (Norway)
  4. Zurich (Switzerland)
  5. Perth (Australia)

Cost of Living Index (as of Jan 1st 2011):

The up-to-date live index can be found on

Global Index

Ranking City Price Index
1 Tokyo (Japan) 246
2 Geneva (Switzerland) 219
3 Oslo (Norway) 218
4 Zurich (Switzerland) 213
5 Perth (Australia) 210
6 Sydney (Australia) 205
7 London (United Kingdom) 200
8 Washington D.C. (United States) 197
9 Melbourne (Australia) 193
10 New York City (United States) 191
11 Copenhagen (Denmark) 191
12 Brisbane (Australia) 191
13 Singapore (Singapore) 190
14 Dublin (Ireland) 184
15 Bern (Switzerland) 181
16 Paris (France) 179
17 Amsterdam (Netherlands) 178
18 Brasília (Brazil) 177
19 Toronto (Canada) 177
20 Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 175
21 São Paulo (Brazil) 171
22 San Francisco (United States) 166
23 Vancouver (Canada) 165
24 Miami (United States) 164
25 Calgary (Canada) 162
26 Stockholm (Sweden) 157
27 Düsseldorf (Germany) 156
28 Tel Aviv (Israel) 156
29 San Jose (United States) 155
30 Chicago (United States) 155
31 Brussels (Belgium) 154
32 Leeds (United Kingdom) 154
33 Edmonton (Canada) 153
34 Los Angeles (United States) 153
35 Helsinki (Finland) 152
36 Boston (United States) 151
37 Auckland (New Zealand) 150
38 Winnipeg (Canada) 150
39 Seoul (South Korea) 150
40 Milan (Italy) 149
41 Munich (Germany) 148
42 Ottawa (Canada) 147
43 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 145
44 Philadelphia (United States) 145
45 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 145
46 Seattle (United States) 144
47 San Diego (United States) 144
48 Dubai (United Arab Emirates) 143
49 Rome (Italy) 143
50 Hamburg (Germany) 143
51 Madrid (Spain) 143
52 Stuttgart (Germany) 142
53 Manchester (United Kingdom) 142
54 Glasgow (United Kingdom) 139
55 Cologne (Germany) 139
56 Jerusalem (Israel) 139
57 Houston (United States) 137
58 Gothenburg (Sweden) 136
59 Nuremberg (Germany) 136
60 Montreal (Canada) 135
61 Barcelona (Spain) 134
62 Curitiba (Brazil) 134
63 Phoenix (United States) 134
64 Athens (Greece) 133
65 Vienna (Austria) 133
66 Denver (United States) 132
67 Hanover (Germany) 132
68 Berlin (Germany) 131
69 New Orleans (United States) 130
70 Turin (Italy) 130
71 Moscow (Russia) 130
72 Columbus (United States) 130
73 Portland (United States) 129
74 Dallas (United States) 128
75 Pretoria (South Africa) 128
76 Indianapolis (United States) 128
77 Genoa (Italy) 128
78 Johannesburg (South Africa) 127
79 Atlanta (United States) 125
80 Charlotte (United States) 124
81 Memphis (United States) 124
82 Istanbul (Turkey) 123
83 Kansas City (United States) 122
84 Cleveland (United States) 121
85 Leipzig (Germany) 115
86 Bangkok (Thailand) 115
87 Austin (United States) 115
88 Lisbon (Portugal) 114
89 Dresden (Germany) 113
90 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 113
91 Saint Petersburg (Russia) 113
92 Montevideo (Uruguay) 111
93 Santiago (Chile) 110
94 İzmir (Turkey) 109
95 Cape Town (South Africa) 108
96 Bogotá (Colombia) 105
97 Zagreb (Croatia) 102
98 Prague (Czech Republic) 100
99 Shanghai (China) 97
100 Monterrey (Mexico) 96
101 Vilnius (Lithuania) 95
102 Budapest (Hungary) 93
103 Beijing (China) 92
104 Mexico City (Mexico) 91
105 Jakarta (Indonesia) 90
106 Manila (Philippines) 89
107 Tallinn (Estonia) 87
108 Delhi (India) 86
109 Warsaw (Poland) 85
110 Bucharest (Romania) 84
111 Guadalajara (Mexico) 83
112 Sofia (Bulgaria) 83
113 Mumbai (India) 81
114 Buenos Aires (Argentina) 81
115 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 79
116 Kiev (Ukraine) 73
117 Bangalore (India) 68
118 Ahmedabad (India) 68
119 Kolkata (India) 64

Breakdown by Region


75 Pretoria South Africa 128
78 Johannesburg South Africa 127
95 Cape Town South Africa 108


1 Tokyo Japan 246
13 Singapore Singapore 190
20 Hong Kong Hong Kong 175
39 Seoul South Korea 150
86 Bangkok Thailand 115
90 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 113
99 Shanghai China 97
103 Beijing China 92
105 Jakarta Indonesia 90
106 Manila Philippines 89
108 Delhi India 86
113 Mumbai India 81
117 Bangalore India 68
118 Ahmedabad India 68
119 Kolkata India 64

West and Southern Europe

2 Geneva Switzerland 219
3 Oslo Norway 218
4 Zurich Switzerland 213
7 London United Kingdom 200
11 Copenhagen Denmark 191
14 Dublin Ireland 184
15 Bern Switzerland 181
16 Paris France 179
17 Amsterdam Netherlands 178
26 Stockholm Sweden 157
27 Düsseldorf Germany 156
31 Brussels Belgium 154
32 Leeds United Kingdom 154
35 Helsinki Finland 152
40 Milan Italy 149
41 Munich Germany 148
45 Frankfurt am Main Germany 145
49 Rome Italy 143
50 Hamburg Germany 143
51 Madrid Spain 143
52 Stuttgart Germany 142
53 Manchester United Kingdom 142
54 Glasgow United Kingdom 139
55 Cologne Germany 139
58 Gothenburg Sweden 136
59 Nuremberg Germany 136
61 Barcelona Spain 134
64 Athens Greece 133
65 Vienna Austria 133
67 Hanover Germany 132
68 Berlin Germany 131
70 Turin Italy 130
77 Genoa Italy 128
85 Leipzig Germany 115
88 Lisbon Portugal 114
89 Dresden Germany 113

East and Central Europe

71 Moscow Russia 130
91 Saint Petersburg Russia 113
97 Zagreb Croatia 102
98 Prague Czech Republic 100
101 Vilnius Lithuania 95
102 Budapest Hungary 93
107 Tallinn Estonia 87
109 Warsaw Poland 85
110 Bucharest Romania 84
112 Sofia Bulgaria 83
115 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 79
116 Kiev Ukraine 73

Latin America

18 Brasília Brazil 177
21 São Paulo Brazil 171
43 Rio de Janeiro Brazil 145
62 Curitiba Brazil 134
92 Montevideo Uruguay 111
93 Santiago Chile 110
96 Bogotá Colombia 105
100 Monterrey Mexico 96
104 Mexico City Mexico 91
111 Guadalajara Mexico 83
114 Buenos Aires Argentina 81

Middle East

28 Tel Aviv Israel 156
48 Dubai United Arab Emirates 143
56 Jerusalem Israel 139
82 Istanbul Turkey 123
94 İzmir Turkey 109

US and Canada

8 Washington D.C. United States 197
10 New York City United States 191
19 Toronto Canada 177
22 San Francisco United States 166
23 Vancouver Canada 165
24 Miami United States 164
25 Calgary Canada 162
29 San Jose United States 155
30 Chicago United States 155
33 Edmonton Canada 153
34 Los Angeles United States 153
36 Boston United States 151
38 Winnipeg Canada 150
42 Ottawa Canada 147
44 Philadelphia United States 145
46 Seattle United States 144
47 San Diego United States 144
57 Houston United States 137
60 Montreal Canada 135
63 Phoenix United States 134
66 Denver United States 132
69 New Orleans United States 130
72 Columbus United States 130
73 Portland United States 129
74 Dallas United States 128
76 Indianapolis United States 128
79 Atlanta United States 125
80 Charlotte United States 124
81 Memphis United States 124
83 Kansas City United States 122
84 Cleveland United States 121
87 Austin United States 115


5 Perth Australia 210
6 Sydney Australia 205
9 Melbourne Australia 193
12 Brisbane Australia 191
37 Auckland New Zealand 150